Attendance to the Training for Foundational Course on Adolescent Health |  |
Attendance During the SPTA Summit in Monkayo East & West |  |
Finalization of Training Resource Packages for the Pilot Implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum (Revised K to 10 Curriculum) for Grades 2, 3, 5, and 8 (G2358) |  |
Regional Conference in Pediatric Dentistry |  |
Symposium on Stress Management |  |
Community Engagement for IPED Tribal Elders with National Commission in Indigenous People (NCIP) |  |
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services-Psychological First Aid |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge in the Office of the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Services |  |
Attendance to the Conduct of the 23rd National Consultative Conference for Regional Alternative Learning System (ALS) Focal Persons and Selected DepEd Officials |  |
Attendance to the Workshop on the Development Alternative Learning System Internal Database (ALS ID) Platform Processes and Architectural Design |  |
Attendance to the Provincial Tourism Council Meeting |  |
Attendance to the Consultation on the Alternative Learning System’s Revised Learning Information System Policy |  |
Participation to 2024 Activities for Peace Education |  |
Attendance to the Regional Gender and Development (GAD) Pocket Meeting and Provision of Technical Assistance |  |
Formulation of Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) Materials for School Mental Health Program |  |
Provision of Technical Assistance to Schools Applying for Establishment and Conversion to Integrated School |  |
Participation to the CPPD Curriculum and Courses (Phase 9) Workshop |  |
Workshop on the Refinement of the Accreditation & Equivalency (A&E) Program Curriculum Guides |  |
SDO Personnel Wellness Activity |  |
Distribution of Letter of Support for the 2024 World/National Teachers’ Month Celebration |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge in the Office of the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Services |  |
Conduct of Onsite Validation of the Finalist for the 2024 National Literacy Awards: Gawad Liyab |  |
Attendance to the 24th Trade Exhibit of National Association of Dental Traders Inc. (NADTI) |  |
Maragusan Adventure Circuit: CapiTOURS! 2024 |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 074, S. 2023: Attendance to the Capacity Building of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Implementers on ALS Learning Resource Development |  |
Attendance to the Philippine Dental Association North Davao Dental Chapter – Scientific Seminar and Induction of New Officers and Members |  |
Participation to Training of trainers on Life Skills Enhancement on Drug Abuse Prevention Education |  |
Validation of Pantukan NHS |  |
Pagbubukas ng Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa 2024 |  |
Invitation to participate in Driver Performance Assessment Survey |  |
BOLA TA DOT: Bola Kontra Droga Inter-Agency Basketball Men and Volleyball Women Tournament |  |
Coordination with GMA Kapuso Foundation in the Distribution of School Supplies to Identified Elementary Schools and Distribution of Letters in Preparation for the Brigada Eskwela |  |
School Inspection of Electrical Wiring Connections |  |
As Officer-In-Charge in the Office of the School Governance & Operation (SGOD) |  |
Distribution of Letter of Support for the 2024 Division Brigada Eskwela Program Kick-Off to Stakeholders |  |
Finalization of Human Resource Information Management System (HRIS) Development |  |
Implementation of Program Project and Activities (PPAs) of SDO Davao de Oro |  |
Attendance to the Conduct of a Workshop on the Finalization of the Accreditation & Equivalency (A&E) Program Curriculum Guides |  |
As Officer-In-Charge in the Office of the School Governance & Operation (SGOD) |  |
Three-Series Writeshop for the Development, Refinement, and Finalization of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Guides for Alternative Learning System |  |
Attendance to the Conduct of a Workshop on the Conformance Review of the Validated Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Program Curriculum Guides |  |
Designation Order |  |
Participation to the 26th National Council Convention of the Girl Scout of the Philippines (GSP) |  |
Authorized Signatory for Notice of Salary Adjustment and Other Administrative Documents |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge in the Office of the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Services |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge in the Office of the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Services |  |
Designation Order |  |
Inspection and Validation of DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) |  |
Philhealth Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) Employers Forum |  |
Designation as Officer-In-Charge – Engineering Section |  |
Attendance to Stakeholders’ Forum at Gabi National High School, Gabi, Compostela, Davao de Oro |  |
GACPA, Inc. 45th Annual National Convention and Seminar |  |
Agency Authorized Officers (AAO) and Electronic Remittance File (ERF) Handler Re-Orientation Seminar |  |
Conduct of Learner Rights and Protection in Maco South District and Validation in Bongabong Elementary School |  |
Training-Workshop on DepEd Personnel Audit FY 2024 |  |
Designation as Officer-In-Charge (OIC) – Accounting Section |  |
Validation and Inspection of DCP Packages Damaged by Flood |  |
Evaluation Workshop of Grades 4, 7, and Senior High School Textbooks and Teacher’s Manual |  |
Interview of Applicants Under Government Internship Program (GIP) as Partner Agency of Department of Labor and Employment |  |
Ocular Inspection of the Billeting Quarter for the RSPC 2024 with Regional Personnel |  |
Attendance to School Dental Health Care Program (SDHCP) and WASH in School (WinS) Program Consultative Meeting |  |
Bids and Awards Committee Meeting |  |
Work-from-Home Arrangements of Division Office Personnel |  |
Attendance to the National Training of Trainers on the MATATAG Curriculum |  |
Attendance to the Kindergarten Activities |  |
Bids and Awards Committee Meeting |  |
Attendance to the Philippine Dental Association Mindanao Area Convention and Scientific Sessions |  |
Division Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (DHRMPSB) Meeting |  |
Suspension of Work in the Division Office Proper |  |
Year End Reporting of Accomplishment of Division IT Officers |  |
Participation in the Three Day Program Implementation Review and 2024 Planning Activity |  |
Participation in the Curriculum and Teaching Interface with Curriculum and Learning Management (CLMD) and Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) Chiefs |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge in the Office of the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Services |  |
Designation Order |  |
Capacity Building of Human Resource Management Officers |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge in the Officer of the Administrative Officer IV (Records Unit) |  |
69th Annual National Mine Safety and Environment Conference (ANMSEC) |  |
Conduct of Inspection of Project Supply and Delivery of Printers (SDDO-008-2023) |  |
Regional ALS Action Research Preparation & Writing Level 2: Completion of Action Research |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge in the Office of the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Services |  |
Designation as Officer-In-Charge |  |
Conduct of the National Conference of Public Assistance Coordinators |  |
Addendum to Unnumbered Division Memorandum Re: Withdrawal of School Supplies Donated by National Grid Corporation of the Philippines in Davao City |  |
Designation Order |  |
Participation in Training Seminar on the Development of the Four Legacies for Children |  |
Corrigendum to Office Memorandum No. 055, S. 2023: Attendance to the Training on Basic Food Safety (BFS), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and Training on Food Safety Compliance Officer (FSCO) |  |
Launching of the Regional Project A.I.M.S. (Assessment Information Management System) |  |
Composition of Screening Committee for the Gawad Teodora Alonzo 5th Storybook Writing Competition-Division Level |  |
Attendance to 3rd Quarter Regional ICAD Coordinating Meeting |  |
Submission of ALS Senior High School Documents for Special Order Application |  |
Agri-Tourism Circuit Tour |  |
Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum SGOD-2023-065, “Training on Mental Health Gap Action Programme (MhGAP) |  |
Cybersecurity Competency Framework Online Training |  |
Coordination Meeting on the Free Public Wi-Fi Project |  |
Launching or Government Internship Program (GIP) Cares |  |
Conduct of the 21st National Consultative Conference for Regional Alternative Learning System (ALS) Focal Persons and Selected DepEd Officials |  |
Face-to-Face Technical Training for Mobile Application Development of DICT Region XI |  |
Regional Launching of the Inclusive Education Programs for Alternative Learning System (SNED, IPED, MEP) |  |
Participation on the Conduct of Civil Service Commission Online Zumba and Film Showing |  |
Training on Mental Health Gap Action Programme (MhGAP) |  |
PDA Going Above and Beyond Scientific Seminar |  |
Addendum to the Composition of the Regional Inspectorate Team for the Big-Ticket Items Stored in Third-Party Logistics/Suppliers Warehouses |  |
Medical and Dental Outreach Program at New Malinao Elementary School – Depot Elementary School Annex |  |
Third Quarter Regional Conference Workshop with the Division ALS Focal Persons, Education Program Specialists II, Selected Regional and Division Supervisors and Implementers |  |
Official Representative of the Schools Division Superintendent as Confirming Officer to the Nestor Fausta Memorial College Inc. – 3rd Senior High School Graduation |  |
Council Troop Leaders Gathering, FASECTA Meeting and Thanksgiving Fellowship |  |
Designation Order |  |
Attendance to the Training on Basic Food Safety (BFS) Hazzard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and Training on Food Safety Compliance Officer (FSCO) |  |
Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa 2023 |  |
Division Personnel Health Profiling |  |
Review of Revised DepEd-Developed Learning Resources (DDLRs) Workshop |  |
Final Schedule on the Conduct of the Regional Advocacy Campaign for the Madrasah Education Program Implementers | |
Clustered Capacity Building of Chief Trainers on the Implementation of the National Learning Camp | |
Workshop on the Finalization of the National Reading Program Policy Guidelines | |
Orientation Seminar on Reconciliation and Updating of Members’ Accounts | |
Attendance to Philippine Dental Association North Davao Dental Chapter (PDA-NDDC) Outreach Program | |
Attendance to the Workshop on the Finalization of the SBFP Food Safety Protocols | |
Invitation to Attend the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) Training Workshop | |
Digital Transformation ICT Project Management Workshop | |
Conduct Ocular Inspection of the Billeting Quarters of Davao de Oro Delegation for the 2023 RSPC and RFOT | |
Workshop on the Design of Reading Activities for the National Reading Program | |
Submission of Gulayan sa Paaralan (GPP) Quarterly Reporting | |
National training of Education Program Specialists II for ALS (EPSA) on the Provision of Technical Assistance on the Implementation of Contextualized MELCS-based SHS Curriculum for Alternative Learning System | |
School Dental Health Care Program (SDHCP) Consultative Meeting for CY 2023 | |
Gulayan sa Paaralan Program School Visitation | |
List of Division Coordinators on Health and Nutrition Program | |
Designation as Officer In-Charge | |
Designation as Officer-In-Charge | |
Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines (ABC+) Project Professional Development (PD) Programs Upscaling-Mindanao Cluster National Training of Trainers (NTOT) and Regional Training of Trainers (RTOT) | |
Participation to the Conduct of 2023 Writeshop on Brigada Eskwela Implementation Guidelines | |
Adaptive Technology for Rehabilitation, Integration, and Empowerment of the Visually Impaired (ATRIEV) Inclusive Design Training for I.T. Professionals | |
National Women’s Month Celebration 2023 | |
Conduct of Documented Transfer of Files from the Programmers Laptop to Secondary Storage | |
Identification of Division Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) | |
Directive to Set up Wide Screens at Field Offices for Live Viewing of the Basic Education Report 2023 | |
“Kapihan sa NCCC” A Monthly Press Conference | |
Conduct of Capacity Building of Regional and Division IT Officers | |
District Level Training-Workshop on the Manipulation of Science Apparatuses and Equipment of Activities on Identified Least-Mastered Competencies for Science Grades 3-12 | |
Meeting of School Governance and Operations Division Personnel | |
Maintenance and Other Operation Expenses (MOOE) and In-Service Training (INSET) Allocation of Division Office for FY2023 | |
Development of Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of National Reading Program | |
Designation as Special Disbursing Officer |  |
Accompany and Ferry the Department of Education Spokesperson Atty. Michael Wesley Poa and His Staff |  |
Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines (ABS+) Project Professional Development (PD) Programs Upscaling-Mindanao Cluster National Training of Trainers (NTOT) and Regional Training of Trainers (RTOT) |  |
Monitoring of the Implementation of the 2022 Sports Supplies and Equipment Distribution Program (SSEEDP), and Discussion of Other Sports Updates |  |
Search for the Most Innovative Employee Award |  |
Submission of Requirement for the Career and Development Award among Personnel in the Division Office Proper |  |
Surgicon Hand-Ons Learning Seminar |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge Office of the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Services |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge Office of the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Services |  |
Year-End Evaluation and Program Implementation Review of the IPED Program for SY 2022-2023 |  |
Quarterly Assessment as Basis of the Proficiency Level to be Submitted to the Region |  |
Seminar on the Procedure in the Application for the Issuance of Special Patent and Presidential Proclamation for School Sites |  |
Planning Workshop for Social Media Management and Communications Management for FY 2023 Cum Team Building |  |
2nd Graduation and Completion Ceremony (Alternative Learning System) |  |
Workshop on the Quality Assurance of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Modules Developed by Regional Schools Division Offices |  |
Regional Training Workshop on Data Management for the Indigenous Peoples Education (IPED) Focal Persons |  |
Monitoring on the Delivery and Utilization of DCP FY2020 and FY2021 |  |
MPOWER Training Course |  |
Indigenous Peoples Day |  |
Change in Schedule and Venue of Regional Re-Orientation and Simulation Activities for Agency Merit Selection Plan (MSP) And Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment (RSA) Guidelines for Central Office and Field Offices |  |
Meeting of ALIVE Teachers/Coaches |  |
Workshop on the Finalization of Policy on the Use of Filipino Sign Language (FSL) in Basic Education |  |
Budget Consultation and Review of FY 2024 Budget Proposals of 11 Schools Division Offices |  |
Capacity Building Workshop on the Utilization of Digital Technology in the Delivery of Instruction for Special Program in the Arts (SPA) and Special Program in Sports (SPS) Implementers |  |
Regional Reorientation on the Available Alternative Delivery Modality for SY 2022-2023 and DO 001 s. 2022 |  |
Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 803 (Search for the Most Outstanding School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) SY 2021-2022 Implementer Division Awarding |  |
CID Monitors During the Conduct of the Diagnostic Test (RTD) for SY 2022-2023 Sampled Schools |  |
Request to Open a Special Program in the Arts (SPA) |  |
Reiteration of the Strict Compliance to the Use of the Manual of Style |  |
Capacity Building on Assessment for Education Program Supervisors |  |
Attendance to the Regional Kickoff of Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd (OK sa DepEd) SY 2022-2023 |  |
Convergence of the Learning Resource Managers with the Regional and Division Supply Officers |  |
4th Campus Peace Symposium |  |
Workshop on the Revision of the Prototype Curriculum Delivery Support Materials |  |
Attendance to RO-SDO Convergence on the Preparation for the Regional Consultation on D.O. 40, S. 2014 and Reconciliation of Schools for SY 2022-2023 |  |
Attendance to National Kick-Off Activity for the Re-Orientation of the Agency Merit Selection Plan (MSP) and Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment (RSA) Guidelines |  |
Attendance to Program Profiling and Assessment for the Region and Division Education Development Plans |  |
Authority to Sign Accountable Forms |  |
Payroll Services Devolution Assessment |  |
Reminders on the Procurement Process Workflow |  |
3rd Quarter School Dental Health Care Program (SDHCP) Consultative Meeting |  |
Attendance to the Webinar Entitled Anti-Corruption Law Seminar (ACLS) by the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for Mindanao |  |
3-Day Training of Users for the Division Payroll Management System |  |
Registration of Participants for SEAMEO Innotech Courses – Batch 2 |  |
Oath-Taking and Turnover Ceremonies of Davao de Oro Provincial Officials |  |
Mock Test Administration of the Online NQESH FY 2021 |  |
Online Orientation of Live Proctors and ITO Counterpart on the Conduct of the Mock Test Administration of the Online NQESH FY 2021 |  |
Medical and Oral Examination to Schools Division Office Personnel |  |
Additional Participants of the Benchmarking of the Best Practices of Communication Teams of the Schools Division Offices of Davao Oriental and Mati City |  |
Rescheduled Benchmarking of the Best Practices of Communication Teams of the Schools Division Offices of Davao Oriental and Mati City |  |
Additional Learning Facilitators for the Alignment of SHDP Learned Competencies to PPSSH Domains |  |
Coordination and Linkages Conference on Unifying Organizational Strategy in SBM, CI, LAC, and Project W.A.T.C.H. |  |
Dissemination of IATF Resolution No. 168-A, S. 2022 Dated May 26, 2022 |  |
Updated Calendar of Activities on the Preparation for National Quality Management System for the Schools Division Offices |  |
Division Selection Committee Meeting |  |
Capacity Building on Online Proctoring of the Online System for the FY 2021 NQESH |  |
Attendance to Orientation on Drug Free Workplace Program Policy and Drug Abuse Prevention Education |  |
Meeting with Cybersecurity Team of Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) |  |
Attendance to Division Election Task Force Meeting |  |
Orientation of the Responsibilities Among Division Quality Management System (QMS) Teams |  |
Attendance to the 23rd Regional Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting |  |
113th PDA Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions |  |
Payroll System Design and Development |  |
Benchmarking of the Best Practices of the Schools Division Offices Communications Team |  |
Online Orientation of the Department of Education Citizen’s Charter 2021 – Schools Division External and Internal Services Among All SDO Proper Personnel |  |
Revised Approving Authorities for Workweek Plan (WWP), Individual Workweek Accomplishment Report (IWAR), and Daily Time Record (DTR) of Division Office Personnel |  |
Department of Education Official Issuances and Letter Formats and Schools Division Office Prescribed Letterheads with Codes |  |
Order of Succession in the Designation of Officer-In-Charge |  |
Coordination Meeting of Program Developers and TWG Members (Division Payroll Management Team) |  |
IATF Approval Placing Davao de Oro Under Alert Level 3 for COVID-19 Response |  |
Submission of Workweek Plans Under COVID Alert Level 3 |  |
Submission of Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) CY 2021 and Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF) CY 2021 among Division Personnel |  |
Provide Dental Services to Learners |  |
Suspension of Work in the Division Office Proper |  |
Bayanihan Bakunahan 2 Kick Off Ceremony |  |
Authority of Sign Accountable Forms Effective December 14, 2021 |  |
Policy on Hiring and Renewal of Job Order Employees in the Division Office |  |
Attendance to the 16th Regional Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting |  |
Conduct of Monitoring on Food Safety Standards and Health Standards for School-Based Feeding Program Implementation |  |
Ocular School Visit |  |
Dental Webinar on “The Importance of Oral Health in a Learning Environment” |  |
Joint School Visit at Maubog ES and Pantukan ES |  |
Conduct of DBM RO XI-DepEd RO XI Full-time Delivery Unit (FDU) Conference |  |
Participation to the Webinar on the Efficient and Expedient Management of Administrative Cases and the Proper and Safe Handling of Case Records |  |
Dental Webinar on “The Importance of Oral Health in a Learning Environment” |  |
Attendance on the Online Orientation on the Guidelines on the Provision of Special Hardship Allowance for Public School Teachers |  |
14th Regional Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting |  |
Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 510, s. 2021 Re: Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd One Health Week Evaluation |  |
Orientation on the Use of the DepEd Learning Management System (LMS) as the Official Platform for the Application for PNPKI Digital Certificate Requirements |  |
Extension of Video Editing and Recording |  |
Conference with Schools Division Superintendent |  |
Delivery of Quarter 3 Self-Learning Modules Procured by the Department of Education from Private Publishers |  |
One Health Week Video Recording and Editing |  |
Virtual Convocation Program |  |
Budget Consultation and Review of DepEd RO XI FY 2023 Budget Proposal |  |
Designation Order as Officer-In-Charge Office of the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Services |  |
Compliance of Documentary Requirements Relevant to PRIME-HRM Accreditation Level II |  |
Preparation and Submission of Adjusted Plan for 3rd Quarter FY 2021 |  |
Virtual Consultation Conference for All Raters |  |
Request for Data on Programs and Activities Conducted from Fiscal Year 2015 to 2020 |  |
Conduct of Online Quarterly RMEA-DMEA for FY2021 |  |
Video Conference with COA Personnel |  |
Attendance to the Full-time Delivery Unit Virtual Meeting among DepEd Regional and Schools Division Offices Personnel and the Department of Budget and Management Regional Office XI Officers |  |
Guidelines on the Issuance of Specialty Clearance for All Division Trainings |  |
Calibration of Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF) and Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) of All Division Personnel for CY 2020 due to COVID-19 Pandemic |  |
Orientation on the Guidelines of Health Protocol to All Newly Hired Administrative Assistants and Aide in the Division Office |  |
Orientation and Workshop on ICT Systems and Guidelines for Newly Hired Non-Teaching Personnel |  |
Virtual Meeting of Division Communications Team |  |
Designation of School Information Coordinators |  |
List of Participants to the SEAMEO Innotech Courses from April to August 2021 |  |
Proper Waste Disposal and Segregation |  |
Orientation-Workshop on the Utilization of Division SWIFT System |  |
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) for School Year (SY) 2020-2021 |  |
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (QITEP) in Mathematics |  |
Audit Observation Memorandum (AOM) No. 21-002 dated February 11, 2021 |  |
Designation as Alternative Learning System Focal Person |  |
Commission on Audit (COA) Exit Conference via Zoom |  |
Reconstituting the Division Executive Committee (DEXECOM) |  |
Submission of Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) CY 2020 and Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF) CY 2020 among the Division Personnel |  |
Orientation on the Precautionary Guidelines on Online Meeting and Workshop on Google Meet |  |
Adoption of the Modified Daily Contact Tracing System of Personnel (MDCTraSP) for All Personnel in the Division Office Proper |  |
Stakeholders’ Planning Workshop and Consultation |  |
Division Distribution of Self Learning Modules |  |
Adjustment in Alternative Work Arrangement in the Accounting and Budget Sections |  |
Reconstituting the Schools Division Key Positions of the ISO 9001: 2015 |  |
Briefing on Appraisal and Disposal of Unserviceable Properties |  |
Division Executive Committee (DEXECOM) Meeting |  |
Authorized Transportation Costs and Incidental Expenses to El Don Resort, Pundaguitan, Governor Generoso on Official Business |  |
Teachers’ Orientation Schedule at Z Radio |  |
Capacity Building on the Implementation of the Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) 2 Course for Instructional Coaches and Teachers Under Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) |  |
Submission of LDM 1 Course Portfolios of School Heads |  |
Teachers’ Resiliency Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic: A Stress Management Online Lecture |  |
Submission of the List of Awardees for the Virtual Gawad Parangal 2020 |  |
Order of Succession in the Designation of Officer In-Charge |  |
Attention to Pre-Bid Conference for School Building Project |  |
Liwanag ng Pamilya Program (LPP) Core Group School and Household Visitation |  |
Submission of Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF) SY 2019-2020 |  |
Supplement Template of the Database of Additional e-IPCRF Uploaders |  |
DepEd Division of Davao De Oro New Identification Data Form among Division Office Personnel and Public Schools District Supervisors |  |
Schedule of Vehicle-Mitsubishi Adventure (RED) Plate No. BI 1Z041 to Ferry Employees to and from Tagum City |  |
Online Orientation of the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) Data Collection System for SY 2019-2020 |  |
Notice of Meeting |  |
Online Competency Assessment for Language Teachers |  |
Amelioration for Nissan Lejan M. Cal |  |
Schedule of Vehicles to Ferry Employees |  |
State of Public Health Emergency |  |
Reassignment Order |  |
Orientation of the Individual Performance Commitment Template with Scoring Standards for School Heads |  |
Training-Workshop on Program Management Information System (PMIS) |  |
Timeline for the ISO 9001:2015 First Surveillance Audit |  |
Division Executive Committee (DEXECOM) Meeting |  |
Training on the Guidelines of P.R.A.I.S.E. for SGOD Awarding CUM Target Setting for CY 2020 |  |
Reconstituting the Division Executive Committee (DEXECOM) |  |
Assignment of District/Municipal Monitors for the Year 2020 |  |
Job Assignment Order |  |
Search for the Most Innovative Employee Award |  |
Submission of Requirement for the Career and Development Incentives |  |
Best Compliant Office to ISO 7’s Lean Workplace |  |
Best Christmas Tree Award |  |
Order of Succession in the Designation of Officer In-Charge |  |
Attendance to the Conduct of Research Activities Related to the Review of Philippine K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum |  |
2019 World/National Teachers’ Day Celebrations |  |
3rd Quarter Conference for School Governance Operations Division (SGOD and Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) Chiefs, EPS/Focal Person for Private Schools and QATAME Focal Person |  |
Kick-Off Program for Establishment of Schools in GIDA |  |
Capacity Building on Basic Research and Data Management |  |
Orientation of the Individual Development Plan |  |
Conduct of QATAME to Regional Mass Training on ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) for ALS Teachers-Batches 1 to 6 |  |
Division PRAISE Committee Meeting |  |
Training on the Universal Prevention Curricula for Substance Use: School Based Prevention Interventions |  |
Orientation on Brigada Eskwela Guidelines and Partnership Event Management Training |  |
Training on the Universal Prevention Curricula for Substance Use: School Based Prevention Interventions |  |
Pagdiriwang sa Buwan ng Wika 2019
Tema: “Wikang Katutubo:Tungo sa Isang Bansang Filipino” |  |
Schedule of Duty at the Accounting Section |  |
New Division LetterHead |  |
Division ISO 9001:2015 BenchMarking on the Implementation of Non-Conformities and Corrective Action |  |
Designation as In-Charge in the Measurement and Evaluation of the Division Five (5) Oplan Kalusugan Programs |  |
Division ISO 9001:2015 Revisiting and Planning Workshop of the Quality Objectives |  |
Designation as Assistant to the Human Resource Training & Development In-Charge in the Training Needs Assessment (TNA) |  |
Timeline to Rectify the Certification Audit Minor Non-Conformity (NC) Findings & Opportunities for Improvement |  |
Division ISO 9001:2015 Surveillance Audit Planning Conference |  |
Division ISO 9001:2015 Certification Audit |  |
Division ISO 9001:2015 Certification 2nd Management Review |  |
Addendum to Office Memorandum re: 2nd Quarter Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) |  |
2nd Quarter Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) |  |
Validation of School Buildings |  |
62nd Araw ng Nabunturan – Fun Run and Founding Day Parade |  |
Philippine Independence Day Celebration |  |
Reconstitution on the Qualification for Division ISO 9001:2015 Internal Audit |  |
Finalization and Submission of Office’s Citizens Charter |  |
Schedule for Division ISO 9001:2015 Internal Audit |  |
Corrigendum and Addendum to Office Memorandum 003,s.2019 |  |
Division ISO 9001:2015 Stage 2 Risk Management Workshop |  |
Division Office ISO 9001:2015 Stage 2 Clause 4.1 & 4.2 Workshop |  |
Conduct of the First Quarter Regional Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (RMEA)-Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) |  |
Division Standards for the ISO 9001:2015 Documents Control Orientation |  |
Additional Information on the 2019 Election Task Force and Monitoring Center of the Schools Division Office |  |
2019 Brigada Eskwela Kick Off-Ceremony |  |
Timeline of Activities for the Preparations to the Division ISO 9001:2015 Certification |  |
Internal Audit Non-Conformities and CI Negative Feedback Post Assessments |  |
Submission of Division Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) Dashboard |  |
Division Selection Committee Meeting |  |
Render Regular Working Hours on ISO Audit on April 17, 2019 |  |
Division Office ISO 9001:2015 Management Review |  |
Division Office ISO 9001:2015 Stage 1 External Audit |  |
Delegated Functions as OIC-Asst. Schools Division Superintendent DepEd Compostela Valley |  |
Performance Evaluation:Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) |  |
Designation as Division ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditors |  |
Recitation of the Scope of the Quality Management System and the Division Quality Policy |  |
Division Standards for the ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditors |  |
Modifications on the Format of Division’s Basic Correspondence in Compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 Standards |  |
Division ISO 9001:2015 Certification Training on Internal Auditing |  |
Division Praise Committee Meeting |  |
Pontifical Mass of the 21st Founding Anniversary and 12th Bulawan Festival |  |
Schools Division Office of DepEd Compostela Valley Required Key Positions and Roles in Setting Up ISO 9001:2015 |  |
Bulawanong Kinaiyahan-Tree Planting |  |
ISO 9001:2015 Orientation and Awareness Seminar |  |
Finalization of Write-Ups for the 2019 Governor’s Awards for Excellence and CSC Honor Awards Program |  |
DepEd SIPAG 2019-Synchronized Instructions, Procedures, and Guidelines, Regional Cluster Conference on Administration, Procurement, Finance and Operations | |
Conference of Technical Working Group on Honor Awards Program and Governor’s Awards for Excellence | |